Design: VC2-S-AP2 |
SY's Inc., Baltimore, Maryland |
Cargo |
MCV-602 to
653 and 816 to 856 / (93 Built / Turbine) Frederick Victory,
Madawaska Victory, Woodstock Victory, St.Albans Victory, Pachaug Victory,
Malden Victory, Westerly Victory, Oneida Victory, Montclair Victory,
Towanda Victory, Claymont Victory, Blue Ridge Victory, Fairmont Victory,
Chapel Hill Victory, Aiken Victory, Valdosta Victory, Eufaula Victory,
Ocala Victory, Kokomo Victory, Blue Island Victory, Frostburg Victory, La
Crosse Victory, Albion Victory, Frontenac Victory, Zanesville Victory,
Sedalia Victory, Pontotoc Victory, Clarksville Victory, Bardstown Victory,
Lake Charles Victory, Morgantown Victory, Pittston Victory, Hagerstown
Victory, Milford Victory, Coaldale Victory, Mahanoy City Victory, Kingston
Victory, New Bern Victory, Winchester Victory, Stamford Victory, Attleboro
Victory, Laconia Victory, Central Falls Victory, East Point Victory,
Woodbridge Victory, Rock Hill Victory, Fayetteville Victory, Wesbrook
Victory, Brandon Victory, Rushville Victory, William and Mary Victory,
Georgetown Victory, Antioch Victory, Williams Victory, Vassar Victory,
M.I.T.Victory, N.Y.U.Victory, Maritime Victory, Howard Victory, Marshall
Victory, Smith Victory, Stevens Victory, Goucher Victory, Kings Point
Victory, Hood Victory, Tusculum Victory, Stetson Victory, Sheepshead Bay
Victory, Haverford Victory, Webster Victory, C.C.N.Y.Victory, Rollins
Victory, Wilson Victory, Muhlenberg Victory, Gustavus Victory,
Hampden-Sydney Victory, Waycross Victory, Altoona Victory, Waterbury
Victory, Nashua Victory, Barre Victory, Spartanburg Victory, Baton Rouge
Victory, Lynn Victory, Biddeford Victory, St.Augustine Victory, New
Rochelle Victory, High Point Victory, Waterville Victory, Lynchburg
Victory, Parkersburg Victory, Atlantic City Victory, Pass Christian
Victory |
California SB
Corp., Terminal Island, Los Angeles, California |
MCV-67 to 84,
767 to 811 and 885 to 890 (69 Built / Turbine) Jericho Victory, Koloa
Victory, Cody Victory, Sioux Falls Victory, Flagstaff Victory, Anadarko
Victory, Taos Victory, Douglas Victory, Texaskana Victory, Bartlesville
Victory, Cedar Rapids Victory, Chanute Victory, Monroe Victory, Clarksdale
Victory, Alhambra Victory, Rutgers Victory, Dickinson Victory, Colby
Victory, Rensselaer Victory, Maryville Victory, Norwich Victory, Amherst
Victory, Tufts Victory, Baylor Victory, Santa Clara Victory, Beaver
Victory, Lehigh Victory, Wheaton Victory, Rider Victory, Cornell Victory,
Calvin Victory, Vanderbilt Victory, Pratt Victory, Cooper Union Victory,
Occidental Victory, Villanova Victory, Southwestern Victory, Bates
Victory, Ouachita Victory, Queens Victory, Winthrop Victory, Niagara
Victory, American Victory, Wayne Victory, Lane Victory, Kenyon Victory,
Wabash Victory, Rice Victory, Whittier Victory, Meredith Victory, Pacific
Victory, Amarillo Victory, Pine Bluff Victory, Tucson Victory, Roswell
Victory, Bloomington Victory, Bessemer Victory, North Platte Victory,
Oskhosh Victory, Hattiesburg Victory, Trinidad Victory, Bowling Green
Victory, Petersburg Victory, Mesa Victory, Warwick Victory, Clarksburg
Victory, San Angelo Victory, Council Bluffs Victory |
Permanente Metals
Corp.(Richmond Yard No.1), Richmond, California |
MCV-535 to 551,
581 to 596 and 702 to 711 (43 Built / Turbine) Legion Victory, USS Boulder
Victory AK-227, USS Provo Victory AK-228, USS Las Vegas Victory AK-229,
USS Manderson Victory AK-230, USS Bedford Victory AK-231, USS Mayfield
Victory AK-232, USS Newcastle Victory AK-233, USS Bucyrus Victory AK-234,
USS Red Oak Victory AK-235, USS Lakewood Victory AK-236, Salina Victory,
Hastings Victory, Elko Victory, Durango Victory, Devils Lake Victory,
Berkeley Victory, Halaula Victory, Logan Victory, Clearwater Victory,
Anniston Victory, Moline Victory, Medina Victory, Princeton Victory,
Bowdoin Victory, Wesleyan Victory, Xavier Victory, Mercer Victory, Oberlin
Victory, Tulane Victory, Wake Forest Victory, Denison Victory, St.John's
Victory, Macmurray Victory, Northeastern Victory, Fenn Victory, Hobart
Victory, Catawba Victory, Hamilton Victory, Hillsdale Victory, Ripon
Victory, Carthage Victory, Newberry Victory |
Permanente Metals
Corp.(Richmond Yard No.2), Richmond, California |
MCV-574 to 580,
597 to 601 and 712 to 766 (67 Built / Turbine) Anchorage Victory, Colorado
Springs Victory, Muncie Victory, Elgin Victory, Massillon Victory,
Hannibal Victory, Beatrice Victory, Virginia City Victory, Brigham
Victory, Hobbs Victory, El Reno Victory, Lahaina Victory, Enid Victory,
San Mateo Victory, Greeley Victory, Berwyn Victory, Battle Creek Victory,
Great Falls Victory, Lakeland Victory, Owensboro Victory, Waltham Victory,
Burbank Victory, Gretna Victory, Laredo Victory, Harvard Victory, Yale
Victory, Middlebury Victory, De Pauw Victory, Bucknell Victory, Grinnell
Victory, Mount Holyoke Victory, Duke Victory, Fordham Victory, Citadel
Victory, Berea Victory, St.Lawrence Victory, Central Victory, Swarthmore
Victory, Carleton Victory, Loyola Victory, Purdue Victory, Mills Victory,
Barnard Victory, Radcliffe Victory, Drexel Victory, Alfred Victory, Pan
American Victory, Trinity Victory, Park Victory, Fisk Victory, Grove City
Victory, Hope Victory, Lafayette Victory, Marquette Victory, Hunter
Victory, Augustana Victory, Berry Victory, Drake Victory, Phillips
Victory, New World Victory, Adelphi Victory, Drury Victory, Alleghenny
Victory, Earlham Victory, Asbury Victory, Canton Victory, Lindenwood
Victory |
By 1943
the Maritime Commission was planning the production of a number of new
types of ships, of which, by far the most important was a fast type of
cargo ship - which subsequently became known as the Victory ship. The
intention was that these new fast ships would be built in the emergency
yards that were then in their stride with the building of Liberty ships.
The AP2 had the same dimensions like the AP1, but a 6,000 shp turbine
instead of 5,500 shp turbine or Lentz diesel engines planned for the AP1.
The basic design of an AP2 called for an single screw vessel of full
scantling type, although every effort was made to secure the cubic
capacity sufficient for the deadweight involved. The ship had a raked stem
and cruiser stern. All Ap2's served as cargo ships by the War Shipping
Administration, operated by various Steamship Companies under General
Agent Agreement. The only exception were MCV-566 to 545, forming the
"Boulder Class" AK-227 to 236 and operated for the Navy. 273
AP2's were built at the four yards involved. After WWII a number of AP2's
were sold under the Merchant Sales act of 1946 to U.S.and foreign
Companies, and other vessels were laid up in Reserve. The first wave of
reactivation came after the outbreak of the Korean war. Some vessels were
later transferred for Navy use, others were laid up again. AP2's saw next
time of service during the Vietnam war. After Vietnam war again send to
the Reserve Fleet, some vessels still lay at Suisun Bay. Drawing shows
LANE VICTORY in her WWII configuration. |
Design: VC2-S-AP3 |
California SB
Corp., Terminal Island, Los Angeles, California |
Cargo |
MCV-1 to24, 27, 29,
31 to 33, 37 and 41 to 42 (32 Built / Turbine) China Victory, Greece
Victory, U.S.S.R. Victory, United States Victory, Philippines Victory, New
Zealand Victory, Mexico Victory, Brazil Victory, Panama Victory, Colombia
Victory, Atchison Victory, Joplin Victory, Lincoln Victory, Sapulga
Victory, Navajo Victory, Bluefield Victory, Luray Victory, Greenville
Victory, Durham Victory, Kingsport Victory, Dalton Victory, Gainesville
Victory, Selma Victory, Meridian Victory, Carroll Victory, Sharon Victory,
Pomona Victory, Clovis Victory, Grange Victory, Waco Victory, Arcadia
Victory, Alamo Victory, |
Shipbuilding Corporation, Portland, Oregon |
MCV-85 to 116, 147 to
189, 682 to 701and 872 to 875 (109 Built / Turbine) United Victory,
Czechoslovakia Victory, Poland Victory, Britain Victory, Norway Victory,
Luxenbourg Victory, Netherlands Victory, Belgium Victory, Canada Victory,
Iran Victory, El Salvador Victory, Dominican Victory, South African
Victory, Yugoslavia Victory, Plymouth Victory, Niantic Victory, Rockland
Victory, Claremont Victory, Cranston Victory, Rutland Victory, Elmira
Victory, Marshfield Victory, Nampa Victory, Silverbow Victory, Mandan
Victory , Aberdeen
Victory , Beloit Victory , Escanaba Victory , Hibbing Victory , Joliet
Victory , Quinault Victory , Skagway Victory , Longview Victory , Lewiston
Victory , Minoit Victory , Pierre Victory , Bozeman Victory , Saginaw
Victory , Coeur D'Alene Victory , Kodiak Victory , West Lynn Victory ,
Loma Victory , Kelso Victory , St.Cloud Victory , Green Bay Victory , Rock
Springs Victory , La Grande Victory , Appleton Victory , Ames Victory ,
Adrian Victory , Jefferson City Victory , Terre Haute Victory , Twin
Fallls Victory , Paducah Victory , Dartmouth Victory , Colgate Victory ,
Brown Victory , Davidson Victory , Northwestern Victory , Furman Victory ,
Notre Dame Victory , Westminster Victory , Wellesley Victory , Creighton
Victory , Temple Victory , Willamette Victory , Reed Victory , Simmons
Victory , Capital Victory , Knox Victory , Lawrence Victory , Western
Reserve Victory , Whitman Victory , Macalester Victory , Coe Victory ,
Tuskegee Victory , Union Victory , Clark Victory , Skidmore Victory ,
Seton Hall Victory , Oglethorpe Victory , Gonzaga Victory , Linfield
Victory , Midland Victory , Drew Victory , Alma Victory , Middlesex
Victory , South Bend Victory , Coffeyville Victory , Norwalk Victory ,
Chelsea Victory , Binghampton Victory , Jackson Victory , Dothan Victory ,
Bellingham Victory , Mankato Victory , Billings Victory , Boise Victory ,
Brainerd Victory |
Permanente Metals
Corp.(Richmond Yard No.1), Richmond, California |
MCV-525 to
534 (10 Built / Turbine) Australia Victory , Ethiopia Victory , India
Victory , Iraq Victory , Costa Rica Victory , Cuba Victory , Honduras
Victory , Haiti Victory , Guatemala Victory , Nicaragua Victory , |
Permanente Metals
Corp.(Richmond Yard No.1), Richmond, California |
MCV-525 to
534 (10 Built / Turbine) Australia Victory , Ethiopia Victory , India
Victory , Iraq Victory , Costa Rica Victory , Cuba Victory , Honduras
Victory , Haiti Victory , Guatemala Victory , Nicaragua Victory , |
the early and mid 1960's the Orient Overseas Line, a subsidiary of the
C.Y.Tung Group bought from private interests seven former warbuilt AP3's
for their service. The Vessels were renamed to Hongkong Delegate, Hongkong Grace,
Hongkong Banner, Hongkong Amber, Hongkong Producer, Hongkong Manufacturer,
Hongkong Clipper and registered under Liberian Flag and Registry, they
were operated by three different Shipping Companies for the C.Y.Tung
Group. Later three of them were converted into Container Vessels. |
VC2-S-AP5 |
Shipbuilding Corporation, Terminal Island, Wilmington, California |
Amphibious Attack Transport |
to 26, 28, 30, 34 to 36, 38 to 40, 43 to 62 (30 Built / Turbine) USS
Haskell APA-117, USS Hendry APA-118, USS Highlands APA-119, USS
Hinsdale APA-120, USS Hocking APA-121, USS Kenton APA-122, USS Kittson
APA-123, USS Lanier APA-124, USS La Grange APA-125, USS St.Marz|s APA-126,
USS Allendale APA-127, Arenac APA-128, USS Arlington APA-129, USS Attala
APA-130, USS Bandera APA-131, USS Barnwell APA-132, USS
Beckham APA-133, USS Bland APA-134, USS Bosque APA-135,
USS Botetourt APA-136, USS Bowie APA-137, USS Braxton
APA-138, USS Broadwater APA-139, USS Brookings APA-140,
USS Buckingham APA-141, USS Clearfield APA-142, USS Clermont
APA-143, USS Clinton APA-144, USS Colbert APA-145, USS
Collingsworth APA-146 |
Company Inc., Vancouver, Washington |
to 681 and 812 to 815 (31 Built / Turbine) USS Oconto APA-187, USS
Olmstead APA-188, USS Oxford APA-189, USS Pickens APA-190, USS Pondera
APA-191, USS Rutland APA-192, USS Sanborn APA-193, USS Sandoval APA-194,
USS Lenawee APA-195, USS Logan APA-196, USS Lubbock APA-197, USS McCracken
APA-198, USS Magoffin APA-199, USS Marathon APA-200, USS Menard APA-201,
USS Menifee APA-202, USS Meriwether APA-203, USS Rawlins APA-226, USS
Renville APA-227, USS Rockbridge APA-228, USS Rockingham APA-229,
USS Rockwell APA-230, USS Saint Croix APA-231, USS San Saba APA-232, USS
Sevier APA-233, USS Bollinger APA-234, USS Bottineau APA-235, USS Cottle
APA-147, USS Crockett APA-148, USS Audubon APA-149, USS Bergen APA-150 |
Shipbuilding Corporation, Portland, Oregon |
to 146, 860 to 863 (34 Built / Turbine) , USS La Porte APA-151, USS
Latimer APA-152, USS Laurens APA-153, USS Lowndes APA-154, USS Lycoming
APA-155, USS Mellette APA-156, USS Napa APA-157, USS Newberry APA-158, USS
Darke APA-159, USS Deuel APA-160, USS Dickens APA-161, USS Drew APA-162,
USS Eastland APA-163, USS Edgecomb APA-164, USS Effingham APA-165, USS
Fond Du Lac APA-166, USS Freestone APA-167, USS Gage APA-168, USS Gallatin
APA-169, USS Gosper APA-170, USS Granville APA-171, USS Grimes APA-172,
USS Hyde APA-173, USS Jeraud APA-174, USS Karnes APA-175, USS Kershaw
APA-176, USS Kingsbury APA-177, USS Lander APA-178, USS Lauderdale
APA-179, USS Lavaca APA-180, USS Bronx APA-236, USS Bexar APA-237, USS
Dane APA-238, USS Glynn APA-239 |