Design: T2-SE-A1 |
Alabama DD &
SB Co., Pinto Island, Mobile, Alabama |
Tanker |
MC-529 to 564 (36),
1496 to 1519 (24), 2037 to 2064 (28), 2613 to 2619 (7) and 2856 to 2862
(7) (102 Built) |
Birch Coulie, Buffalo Wallo, Camas Meadows, Canyon Creek, Cedar Mills, Hat
Creek. Julesburd, Little Big Horn, McCLellan Creek, Pine, Ridge, Powder
River, Quemado Lake, Rosebud, Red Canyon, Sappa Creek, Sweetwater, Wagon
Box, Washita, Abiqua, Touchet, Evans Creek, Skull Bar, Four Lakes, Cayuse,
Wolf Mountain, Wyoming Valley, Autossee, White River, Wood Lake, Beaver
Dam, Callabee, Cahawba, Horseshoe, Wahoo Swamp, Fort Laramie, Fort
Bridger, Fort Fetterman, Wilson's Creek, San Juan Hill, Bear Paw, Platte
Bridge, Pocket Canyon, Tule Canyon, White Bird Canyon, El Caney, The
Cabins, Nordahl Grieg, The Cottonwoods, Barren Hill, Bemis Heights, Briar
Creek, Camp Defiance, Chatterton Hill, Fort Stevens, North Point, Paulus
Hook, Quaker Hill, Red Bank, Grand River, Cottonwood Creek, Little Butte,
Fort Ridgely, Rougue River, The Yakima, Beecher Island, Ash Hollow, Mobile
Bay, Pit River, Fort Robinson, Palo Duro, Crow Wing, Pawnee Rock, Sandy
Lake, Piqua, Fort Pitt, Sideling Hill, Blue Licks, Golden Hill, War
Bonnett, Honningsvaag, Kathio, Spirit Lake, Kaposia, Chicaca, Ackia,
Boonesborough, Council Grove, Gold Creek, Dobytown, Wagon Mound, Phantom
Hill, Raton Pass, Archers Hope, Ninety-Six, Moccasin Gap, Cabusto, Fort
Mims, Seneca Castle, Rock Landing, Black River |
Co.Inc.(Swan Island Yard), Portland, Oregon |
MC-793 to 848 (56),
1914 to 1960 (47), 2393 to 2430 (38) and 2720 to 2725 (6) (147 Built) |
Schenectady, Quebec,
Fort Moultrie, Fort Washington, Egg Harbor, Stony, Point, New London,
Brookfield, Northfield, Hadley, Fallen Timbers, Pequot Hill, Fort
Dearborn, Queenston Heights, River Raison, Fort Meigs, Fort Stephenson,
York, Fort George, Sackett's Harbor, Stony Creek, Lundy's Lane, Fort Erie,
Plattsburg, Broad River, Bladensburg, Fort McHenry, Fort Sumter, Fort
Henry, Fort Donelson, White Oak, Mechanicsville, Champoeg, Oregon Trail,
Corvallis, Gervais, Umatilla, Klamath Falls, Yamhill, Owyhee, Table Rock,
Wallowa, Grande Ronde, Coquille, Jacksonville, Meachem, Nehalem,
Tillamook, Pendleton, Celilo, Crater Lake, Newberg, Ochoco, Rainier,
Battle Rock, The Dalles, Glacier Park, Grand Mesa, Idaho Falls,
Silverpeak, Elk Basin, Coulee Dam, Toulumne Meadows, Camp Namanu, Wolf
Creek, Donner Lake, Scotts BLuff, Tumacarori, Chalmette, Nickajack Trail,
Shawnee Trail, Bandelier, Trailblazer, Fort Winnebago, Forbes Road, Fort
Charlotte, Chaco Canyon, Pipe Spring, Fort Matanzas, Verendrye, Castle
Pinckney, Tonto, Grand Teton, Beacon Rock, Hovenweep, Swan Island,
Montezuma Castle, Smokky Hill, Fort William, Pioneer Valley, Battle
Mountain, Fort Wood, Hood River, Black Hills, Warrior Point, Pulpit Rock,
Fort Clatsop, Laurel Hill, Mesa Verde, W.L.R.Emmet, El Morro, Casa Grande,
Pilot Butte, Bryce Canyon, Cedar Breaks, Pinnacles, Capitol Reef, Joshua
Tree, Platt Park, Stones River, Fort Stanwix, Fort Frederica, Saguaro,
Chisholm Trail, Carlsbad, Fort Christina, Sunset, Choctaw Trail, White
Sands, Sullys Hill, New Echota, Muir Woods, Big Bend, Kings Canyon, Salem
Maritime, Fort Lane, Bradford Island, Homestead, Fort Raleigh, Modoc
Point, Chemawa, Grants Pass, Steens Mountain, Council Crest, Goverment
Camp, Multnomah, Gray's Harbor, Halls of Montezuma, Silver Creek, Glenn's
Ferry, Cannon Beach, Jordan Valley, Fort Hoskins, Snake River, Victory
Loan, Coxcomb Hill, Bent's Fort |
Marinship Corp.,
Sausalito, California |
MC-1832 to 1849 (18),
2095 to 2100 (6), 2434 to 2541 (8) and 2714 to 2715 (2) (34 Built) |
Hills, Lost Hills, Antelope Hills, Buena Vista Hills, Coalinga Hills,
Montebello Hills, Inglewood Hills, Baldwin Hills, McKittrock Hills,
Newhall Hills, Rincon Hills, Potrero Hills, Sunset Hills, Midway Hills,
Whittier Hills, Signal Hills, Ventura Hills, Puente Hills, La Brea Hills,
Santa Maria Hills, Kern Hills, Elwood, Hills, Torrance Hills, Santa Fe
Hills, Dominguez Hills, Paloma Hills, Fullerton Hills, Belridge Hills,
Coyote Hills, Huntington Hills, Wheeler Hills, Fruitvale Hills, Marin
Hills |
Sun SB & DD
Co., Chester, Pennsylvania |
MC-306 to 387 (82),
394 to 398 (5), 643 to 647 (5), 1723 to 1797 (75), 2431 to 2454 (24) and
2706 to 2712 (7) (198 Built) |
Fort Necessity, Fort Duquesne, Fort Niagara, Charlestown, Bloody Marsh,
Great Meadows, Lake Geoorge, Crown Point, Kittaning, Gettysburg, Bunker
Hill, Caddo, Harlem Heights, White Plains, Valley Forge, Trenton,
Princeton, Ticonderoga, Corsicana II, Bennington, Fort Stanwick,
Stillwater, Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, Cherry Valley, Caribbean,
Vincennes, Newton, Kings Mountain, Cowpens, Guilford, Hobkirk's Hill,
Eutaw Springs, Fort Lee, Palo Alto, Buena Vista, Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo,
Contreras, Churubusco, Molino Del Rey, Chapultepec, San Antonio, Jalapa,
Perote, Pueblo, Bull Run, Balls Bluff, Shiloh, Appomattox, Monocacy, Cross
Keys, Front Royal, Winchester, Seven Pines, Sharpsburg, Frederickburg,
Chickamauga, Chancellorsville, Petersburg, Murfreesboro, Spottsylvania,
Vicksbuurg, Gaines Mill, Chantilly, Harpers Ferry, Perryville, Manassas,
Corinth, Kenesaw Mountain, Mill Spring, Fairfax, Malvern Hill, Brandy
Station, South Mountain, Williamsburg, MacDowell, Lookout Mountain,
Missionary Ridge, Opequon, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek, Five Forks,
Kernstown, Santiago, Boundbrook, Fort Schuyler, Sag Harbor, Hegra,
Blackstocks Ford, Hanging Rock, Frenchtoown, ESSO Portland, ESSO
Springfield, ESSO New Haven, James Island, Lyon's Creek, Whitehorse, Fort
Cornwallis, ESSO Utica, Port Royal, Catawba Ford, Musgroves Mills, Fort
Cumberland, Moor's Field, Karsten Wang, ESSO Camden, Lake Erie, ESSO
Scranton, Point Pleasant, Catham, Cedar Mountain, ESSO Memphis,
Ridgefield, ESSO Roanoke, Kettle Creek, Mauvilla, Glorieta, Hobkirk's
Hill, Rich Mountain, Blackwater, Groveton, Tampico, Turkey Island, Diamond
Island, Drewry's Bluff, Valverde, Sandy Creek, Black Jack, Chrysler's
Field, Prairie Grove, Edge Hill, Tullahoma, PineBluff, Lone Jack, Yellow
Tavern, Champion's Hill, Paoli, La Mesa, Wauhatchie, Waxhaws, Hubbardton,
Rum River, Spring Hill, French Creek, Chesapeake Capes, San Pasqual,
Chadd's Ford, Bushy Run, Carnifex Ferry, Averysboro, Salmon Falls, Port
Republic, Allatoona, Trevilian, New Market, New Hope, Marne, Somme, Meuse
Argonne, Chateaux Thierry, Cantigny, Sedan, Saint Mihiel, Amiens, Logan's
Fort, Winter Hill, Royal Oak, Santa Paula, Redstone, Clarke's Wharf,
Hammerfest, Roxbury Hill, Cobble Hill, Rye Cove, Drapers Meadow, Camp
Charlotte, Castle's Wood, Fort Cheswell, Fort Massaic, Fort Caspar,
Turner's Gap, Heron's Bridge, Atllantic Refiner, Atlantic Trader, Honey
Hill, Atlantic Mariner, Orchard Knob, Fort Jupiter, J.L.Hanna, Atlantic
Ranger, Trimble's Ford, Fort Mercer, J.H.McGaregill, Fort Mifflin,
H.D.Collier |
T2-SE-A1 design was adopted by the Maritime Commission from an already
existing design built by Sun SB for the Sun Oil Co. The T2-SE-A1 design
was after the EC2-S-C1 Liberty Ship the most built vessel under the
Maritime Commission Shipbuilding Progam. T2-SE-A1 was powered by a
Turbo-Electric propul- sion, delivering 6,000 SHP (normal) and 7,240 SHP (max) giving a top rate of 15 knots with a cruising range of about 12,680
miles. All vessels operated during WWII by the War Shipping Administration
and managed by various Steamship Companies. After the WWII most of the
T2-SE-A1's were sold under the Merchant Sales Act of 1946 to private
interests, mainly U.S.Flag Companies. 202 T2-SE-A1 were sold under this
act to Foreign Compaines. The T2-SE-A1 survived as conversion nearly six
decades of service (Drawing shows one T2-SE-A1 in post-war configuration). |